Green Thumbs

“If you want to work on your art, work on your life.” — Anton Chekhov

In the age of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, it’s difficult for us to separate our online profile from reality. Social media is the friend that is always down to celebrate the good times but never seems to get back to you when you’ve had a rough day and need to vent (when you need them most). 

It helps to think about your social media profile much like growing your own garden. Do you want to nurture something that is beautiful but offers little more than aesthetic pleasure? Or do you want to sow seeds that will nourish you and help you grow stronger over time? 

Take the time to think about what type of garden you want versus the one you currently have. If you decide that you want to plant seeds that will yield sustenance then you need to reframe your mission statement. You must take the time to clear away any debris and pull up the lingering weeds.

That means removing any negative influences on your feed, including toxic friends and followers. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, that challenge you to work smarter and to think outside the box.

As you begin to reap the rewards of this healthier environment learn to zero in on the messages that embolden you and the commonalities that underwrite them. When you find the answers you’re looking for, you need to put them to work. Don’t be afraid to put your true voice into the world. Take a deep breath and follow the white rabbit into the great unknown.

Reshaping your garden goes a long way to encouraging greater levels of productivity. It also leaves you feeling a whole lot better about yourself.

James Pillion