Uno, Dos, Tres

On the drive back from Palm Beach yesterday I came upon a novel idea.

What if you could frame your unique outlook through the lens of three people. Whether family, friends or celebrated personalities how and why have these extraordinary individuals shaped your present?

I’ll go first: 

  1. Yuval Noah Harari for his no-nonsense approach to science, history and its implications for mankind. His texts are a soothing antidote for my existential angst.

  2. Ricky Gervais for his ability to savour the little things, to choose love over hate and laughter before all else. 

  3. George Harrison for his transcendent music, spiritual strength and above all his never-ending quest for meaning and truth.

I like to think my triumvirate says a lot about me and can be found in almost everything I do and say.

If you could pick three people who have helped you arrive at your present who would they be?

What do they say about you?


James Pillion